Posts filed under ‘Lunch’

Lazy Bum

Sorry I haven’t posted yet today girls!  I’ve been a little lazy and just slacking on everything lately.  I blame my blah mood – I haven’t felt like myself these past couple days.  I hope I snap out of it soon for the sake of everybody!  I hate being a debbie downer.

Anyways, I hope your Friday has gone off to a good start!  I can’t believe how fast this week has gone by.  Make the most of the rest of your time off, pretty soon it’ll be back to work and school for everyone.  I know I didn’t get a break at all but I’m kinda glad because I don’t have to kick myself in the pants to want to go back to work.  🙂 

This morning started off the same as always, I had my english muffin with cream cheese and Barney Butter, along with a banana and my cup of crack.  No picture, but it looked just like yesterdays. 

I went to the gym around 11 this morning and it wasn’t as crazy busy as I thought it would be.  You can sure tell who the “resolution go’ers” are though.  I did my bike and elliptical workout, along with a 5 minute walk on the treadmill.  After that, I headed to Trader Joes to get some bananas, bread, mushrooms, baby greens and some fat free balsamic vinaigrette.  I was disappointed that they didn’t have a light version; I hate getting fat free dressing because I know I could use some of the good fats in the more caloric versions.  Oh well, when I run out of this (it’s very good by the way!) I’ll go to Lassen’s or my store to get a different brand.  I’ve been dying to try Annie’s or Newman’s Own dressings.  Anyone have any favorites?

My lunch today was a tiny bit different than what I’m used to, but still sorta the same.  I had my chicken with swiss sandwich, but instead of putting my greens on the sandwich, I just had a side salad with my added mushrooms, balsamic vinaigrette and a tiny bit of mustard.  Loved it.  I think I might start doing this from now on – I haven’t had the pleasure of making my own salads in a long time and it was very satisfying! 



Sorry for the bad sandwich picture!  That’s the best I could get. 

Speaking of cameras, I still haven’t gotten my new one, but I am checking every single day to see if it’s close to being here.  Sometimes I hate that UPS tracking service – it gets addicting if your anticipating a package! 

Right now I’m drinking the evil Diet Dr. Pepper.  I won’t lie to you guys: I’ve been having one of these a day for about 4-5 days now.  Not good…I need to get off of these but they are so damn good.  Give me some inspiration girls!  😛 

Well, that’s it for now, but I just wanted to thank each and every one of you awesome girlies for commenting and taking the time to read my posts!  You have no idea how much they mean to me – each and every one I take to heart.  I’ve been slacking on the blog reading and commenting, so please forgive me. 


01/02/2009 at 3:16 pm 5 comments

Let The Relaxing Begin

Good afternoon girlies!  Sorry I was absent last night and this morning – I just didn’t feel up to posting last night.  (I also ended up falling asleep, so that was part of it too!)  And this morning, my mom’s boyfriend, my mom and I went to Tulare to go have breakfast and do some small shopping. 

Let’s backtrack to last night – for dinner I had a cup of Trader Joes Tomato Soup and an english muffin with cream cheese.  I must tell you guys that this is the BEST tomato soup I’ve come across.  I am always buying more to stock up in case they ever run out.  😛  You never know with Trader Joes – some products just disappear over there! 


When we got to Tulare, we stopped at the usual IHOP that we always go to.  I ended up getting the Garden Scramble off the IHOP For Me section.  I love this – I almost always get this every single time I go there.  I can never finish the whole thing though; I cleaned my plate except for one pancake. 

After breakkie, we went to the BEST Target ever: this Target has a lot more variety than the one at home.  I ended up getting some chocolate croissants and two Erin Baker Breakfast cookies!  I also bought a Diet Dr. Pepper (again!) for the trip home. 


I am so having one of these croissants for breakfast tomorrow, since I’ll be up at 3 a.m.  I was so excited to find the Erin Baker cookies since they are no where to be found where I live.  I almost ordered them online, and I’m glad I didn’t because they were only $.99 a piece!  I probably should’ve gotten more, but I’ll stock up next time we drive to Tulare. 

When we got back, I went to get my oil changed in my car, then headed to the gym.  I warmed up on the bike for almost 10 minutes, then did 20 minutes on the elliptical, THEN cooled down with 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill.  Overall a good workout, but I felt a little weak.  Another reason I need to remind myself to eat more.  Gah! 

I still haven’t had lunch yet but I will pretty soon since my blood sugar is starting to drop.  I will (maybe) see you guys later on today!  Lata.

12/30/2008 at 2:48 pm 3 comments

Got It!

I ordered my new camera today.  It’s a Canon Powershot SX110IS 9MP Digital Camera with 10x Optical Image Stabilized Zoom.  I’m pretty excited, as I haven’t had a new camera in a long time, so it will be interesting to figure this thing out. 

Today was a very chill day – besides work.  I went to the gym and did my warm-up on the bike, then 25 minutes on the elliptical.  I think I need to bring a magazine or something with me, as today I got very bored; I almost got off and went home.  : P 

My snack at work was my always faithful Peanut Butter Balance bar.  From there, I went to the gym, came home, showered, then ate my lunchie.  I think you guys know it by now. 


This orange was so good and juicy!  I just love when it drips down my chin and gets everything sticky.  (Cleaning it up isn’t fun of course, but you know what I mean.)  This lunch had a lot of fiber cause right now my stomach is sure feelin’ it!  Ah well, I’ll just drink some water and wait it out. 

I have tomorrow off, woohoo!  The calm before the storm…if any of you work in a grocery store, you know what I mean by that.  New Year’s Eve I go in at 4 a.m.  Yes, that freaken early.  I could shoot my boss right now for scheduling me that early, but what can I do?  I’ll tell ya right now, I am not going to be a happy camper that day unless I get some Diet. Dr. Pepper and some coffee for caffeine in me!  😛 

I’ll be back later for dinner.  Right now I’m just going to sit down and watch t.v. as always.  I hope something good is on!

12/29/2008 at 4:32 pm 2 comments

I Need Summer Back

Good evening, I hope you all had a good Sunday today!  I just got home from the store to stock up on some soup; I am seriously hating this cold weather right now but soup makes it all better for the most part. 

While at work today, my entire right foot went numb, the outside of my lips were blue and my fingers hurt like crazy.  (I work in the Produce deparment, and also in the cooler, which is around 20-30 degrees.)  It hasn’t been this bad, ever.  This is just one more reason I want to put some weight back on! 

Back to this morning; for my snack I had my last Chewy Chocolate Chip Pure Protein bar.  I didn’t like it the first time, but when I had it today, it didn’t seem as bad.  I guess I just got a bad one last time?  For lunch I had my usual roast beef sammie with a nice orange on the side.  My first orange this fall/winter! Mmmmm.  Oh, I also had a Diet. Dr. Pepper with my protein bar.  Bad, I know, but I needed it this morning.  : P

When I got off, I went home, then my mom and I went to Trader Joes to stock up on soup, as I said earlier.  I also got a greek yogurt and some more mushrooms.  Not worth a picture in my opinion.

For dinner tonight, I decided to have one of the soups that I bought: Trader Joes Black Bean Soup.  I seriously love this soup!  It’s nice and hearty without weighing you down.  This soup, along with the Split Pea, are my favorites.  I know, I know, it’s not a pretty picture, but just know that it was delicious! 


I have to go visit my grandma in a few minutes as today is her birthday.  Number 85 to be exact!  I haven’t decided if I’m going to have a snack later on or not; I haven’t had much of an appetite.  😦  If I do, I promise you’ll know about it sooner or later. 

Sleep tight lovelies!

*Edit: I just had a TootsieRoll pop and a couple dark chocolate covered raisins.  Mmmm. 

12/28/2008 at 5:21 pm 1 comment

Shopping Galore

I didn’t end up going to the gym today, but I did end up going shopping!  The only exciting thing that I bought were some bowls that I can use for cereal and oatmeal.  Other than that, we mostly bought grocery stuff at Target.  Here are the bowls I bought for 50% off:


Sorry for the blurry picture…I need a new camera, desperately!  😛

At Target, I ended up getting some Chocolate Brownie Z-bars, Thomas Whole Wheat English Muffins, two Amy’s burritos and some salsa.  I didn’t get much, but this will last me for a little while anyway.  It’s been forever and a day since I’ve eaten an english muffin so I’m excited to try those out!  While we were browsing Linen’s ‘n Things, I realized I was hangry, so I took out my emergency chocolate chip z-bar.  No picture, obviously.  🙂  We drove to 7 Eleven so my mom could get her daily Slurpee fix, (She stays so skinny too!)  and I decided to get my fix: a Diet Dr. Pepper.  After that, we finally went home.  I was pretty tired from walking around for a couple hours so I just relaxed on my couch. 

After a while, I started getting hungry and had a late lunch.  Of course I had the usual, with my mushrooms and pickle on the side.  I forgot to take a picture of my thin crisp crackers cause they decided to be devoured before I could even remember to take out my camera!  Whoops.. 


I’ve had a really nice, relaxing day today and I don’t want it to end.  I have to work 7-3:45 tomorrow; not looking forward to that at all.  Only 11 more days until I see my nutritionist!  I can’t wait and because of that, the days seem to be passing by so slow right now. 

Hope you all have a good Saturday night!  I’ll more than likely be back later for a late dinner post.  If not, I’ll see you tomorrow morning girls!

12/27/2008 at 5:05 pm 3 comments

Bad News!

My camera is officially dead.  Somehow the lens broke while it was in the drawer and it won’t work.  😦  For now, I’m going to use my old camera until I can get a brand spankin’ new one.  Do any of you have any ideas as to which camera I should get?  I’m up to paying at least $300-$400 for one.  I’m just curious what kind of cameras have worked well for you. 

Anyways, lets back track to earlier, while I was working.  I had my mid-morning snack of my fav Peanut Butter Balance bar.  I think I might need to switch it up a bit.  I then went to the gym as soon as I was off.  Ok, first of all, I never, ever, ever want to exercise again when I haven’t had sleep.  It was absolutely horrible.  My heart rate was flying through the roof and I just felt like crap.  After that bad experience, I went to Trader Joes and bought THREE thing: swiss cheese, mushrooms and bread.  Yes, it is possible to only buy that little amount of food when you only have $8 on you.  I probably should’ve gone to the bank, but I didn’t feel like waiting forever in line for the ATM.  I didn’t take a picture because…it’s only three things.  But I promise, on my next big grocery shop, I’ll snap photos for you guys.

When I got home, I was actually hungry, so I made myself a roast beef sandwich with swiss, tomato basil hummus, baby greens and mustard.  On the side I had, you guessed it: mushrooms and a pickle.  I was very happy to have my lunch foods back; they were missed!  I also had some thin crisp crackers after all that was polished off.  It definitely satisfied my hunger and now all I feel like doing is taking a long ass nap.  Honestly, I don’t know if I will be able to fall asleep. 




I’m just glad that I’m off work and able to relax right now.  What are your plans for this weekend?  Anything fun planned?  I hope you guys have a good Friday!  See you later for din din.

12/26/2008 at 2:57 pm 3 comments


That’s how I feel right now.  I just want to curl up in a ball with my big blanket and fall asleep.  I am really feeling my lack of sleep last night; I still don’t know what my deal was.  I always get at least 6-7 hours a night but last night wasn’t cutting it.  Right after I got off work, I went to Rite Aid (there was no way in hell I was going to go shopping in my store, fricken madness!) to get a Diet Dr. Pepper.  I am going to be sipping on that baby in a couple minutes. 

For my mid-morning snack I had a Honey Peanut Balance bar.  It was good, but definitely not as good as the peanut butter!  Don’t hate me girls, but I did it again: I didn’t plan my lunch.  I ended up having just a Cookies ‘n’ Cream Promax bar for lunch.  At this point, I was stressing out because of work and I just didn’t have an appetite.  Bad I know.  😦  This is why I hate working so close to holidays; it messes me up. 

When I got home, I knew I needed some food in my belly, so I decided to make my ever-reliable sandwich!  Roast beef with tomato basil hummus, baby greens and mustard.  (Yes I am still out of cheese and mushrooms, it’s killing me!)  I also had a Braeburn apple on the side.  I already started going to town on that apple before I remembered I had to take a picture.  Whoops!  😉 



Now I am nice and comfortable, drinking my Dr. P.  Here’s a shot of his nastiness.  😛


I am now going to catch up on some blog reading and then I might go lay down.  This girl is tired.  Hope you all had a nice Christmas Eve!  Tomorrow’s CHRISTMAS!!

12/24/2008 at 3:15 pm 3 comments

Keep Pluggin’ Along

Good afternoon bloggies!  I’ve had a good day so far, despite this morning.  How has your day been so far? 

I went to the gym, did 30 minutes on the elliptical, then headed home.  I watched a bit of t.v. then dug into my lunch.  I’m lacking creativity for my lunches.  I almost always have the same thing, every single day.  Anyways, today I switched it up a tiny bit and had a roast beef sandwich with tomato basil hummus, baby greens and mustard.  I ran out of my swiss cheese yesterday and I really don’t feel like going to the grocery store today because it is going to be a MAD HOUSE, so I guess it will have to wait until I go to work tomorrow.  On the side I had my usual shrooms, pickle and my last Honeycrisp apple.  These are so juicy, I just wish they were a little cheaper. 


It was a very tasty lunch and I’m glad I switched it up a little today.  I had forgotten how much I love roast beef!  Also, has anyone here had the chance of tasting the new Edamame Hummus from Trader Joes?  I’m a bit skeptical about it but I think the next time I go there I’ll buy it.  I need some variety in my life.  🙂

I have absolutely no plans for the rest of today.  My mom is out getting a pedicure, so I’m at home alone at the moment.  I guess I could watch the movie Hancock.  My mom’s boyfriend bought it for us today and I’ve never seen it before.  Have any of you seen this movie?  Is it worth it? 

I will be back tonight with my dinner eats!

12/23/2008 at 2:00 pm 3 comments

Good News

Good afternoon, hope you girls are having a great Monday! 

I just got off work and called the nutritionist; I set up an appointment for January 7th.  I know I’ll be saying this a lot, but I am so excited!  I know this is a big step on my part, since I made the phone call and I’m going to be paying out of pocket to see her, so all in all, I feel pretty dang good today.  🙂 

As for the eats, I had my Peanut Butter Balance bar as my mid-morning snack, which I was STARVING for.  Normally I don’t get hungry, so this was a suprise.  As I said this morning, I made my lunch this morning: it was just my usual sandwich: turkey with swiss, tomato basil hummus, baby greens and mustard.  I didn’t have my pickle or mushrooms with it, instead I just had a Gala apple.  I’m happy I made the decision to make my lunch this morning because I know I would’ve resorted to what ED wanted for lunch if I hadn’t.

When it came time for dinner, I was feeling lazy (as usual) and looked in the freezer to see my mom had bought a couple more Lean Cuisine pizzas.  This was the Roasted Garlic Chicken pizza.  Pretty good if I say so myself but it lacked veggies, so I added some salad greens and mushrooms.  (You know I can’t go a day without them!)  On the side I had some salsa for dipping the crust and some Thin Crisps.  This was the perfect way to end a great day.  Here’s hoping tomorrow is just as good! 


I am so happy I have tomorrow off.  I plan to relax and enjoy my day of freedom before hell starts on Wednesday.  That’s the only downfall of working in a grocery store – especially the Produce department; it gets absolutely nutso.  I also have to keep a written journal of all my meals so I can show the nutritionist.  Not like that’s going to be hard, huh?  😛 

Other than that, tonight I just plan on relaxing here at home.  I still have some blog reading to do, then I’ll hopefully find something interesting to watch on t.v.  Oh and in case you haven’t noticed, I don’t really go out.  It’s still part of ED isolating me from the real world.  My friends and co-workers are always trying to get me to go out with them, but ED always tells me otherwise.  He won’t allow me to enjoy a decent meal out, or to enjoy having a few drinks with friends.  I always come up with some sort of excuse.  It’s time to change that!  In fact, that’s one of my goals for the upcoming year. 

Sorry for all the rambling!  Have a good night and I’ll see you tomorrow morning.

12/22/2008 at 5:40 pm 3 comments

Home At Last

Man oh man today was exhausting!  I am beat right now. 

Today wasn’t a good day.  ED was all around me at work.  It seems that after breakfast, it all went downhill.  I had my usual mid-morning snack of a Peanut Butter Balance bar.  But as soon as lunch time came around, I wasn’t prepared at all.  I know I should’ve just made my lunch but I thought I was actually going to be super positive today and buy something pre-made from the deli.  Well, ED got in my head and insisted that I didn’t need that “junk” and that I just eat a protein bar and an apple.  I don’t know why I didn’t ignore him today..I knew I needed the energy since we were extremely busy today.  We live and we learn, right?  It still doesn’t make me feel better though; I thought for sure I was going to kick ED down today!  I brought along some crackers but I didn’t end up eating them either.  😦  I had a Black Forest Cake Promax bar and a Honeycrisp apple.  Sorry I didn’t get to take a picture!  I don’t bring my camera to work with me. 

As soon as I got off work, I got home and checked my e-mail as usual.  I had a reply from the nutritionist!  She said she would LOVE to help me and that I call her as soon as I can, so we can talk and then set up an appointment.  I am so excited you guys!  I am going to call her tomorrow after I get off work.  Her sessions arn’t that expensive either – so I can afford to go at least once every two weeks or so.

I am finally eating my dinner – it’s what I normally have for lunch.  I had my turkey sammy with swiss, tomato basil hummus, baby greens and mustard.  I had my usual sides of shrooms, a pickle and the amazing Thin Crisps. 


Sorry for the lame one-picture post, that’s all I can do when I work 7-8 hour shifts at work.  Maybe someday I’ll be brave and bring my camera so you guys can get a “at work” lunch shot.  Just as a warning, it’s going to be the same thing tomorrow; I’m off at 3:45 so all you guys will get to see is my breakfast and dinner.  Hopefully tomorrow I’ll kick ED out of my way and have something for lunch that satisfies ME. 

Thank you girls for all the sweet comments!  I’m so so glad I started blogging now – you are all great!  Have a nice Sunday night and I’ll see you bright and early tomorrow.

12/21/2008 at 5:11 pm 3 comments

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